Abstract Submission

 The 2025 ASPE Annual Conference Call for Abstracts is Open!

The call to submit abstracts for the 2025 ASPE Annual Conference is open!

Abstracts will be accepted from September 12 through October 21, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET.
This deadline will NOT be extended, so please don't miss out on your opportunity to 
present a workshop, presentation, poster, or a snapshot. 

We're excited to review your abstracts and to welcome you to Montreal!

**Please note, abstracts will NOT be accepted after the deadline. The lead author must be a member of ASPE and in good standing at the time of the conference.**



Abstract submissions need abstract reviewers. We need you as an abstract reviewer and would love your involvement in this process. Your contribution is vital to the success and scholarship of the ASPE Annual Conference, as well as to the academic advancement of our colleagues! As a reviewer, you will review up to eight (8) abstracts after the abstract submission deadline of October 21, 2024. You must be an ASPE member to participate as a reviewer. If you are interested in volunteering to review abstracts for the 2025 ASPE Annual Conference, please click the button below to sign up.