
Webinars are a great way to breathe new life and professional development into those months between ASPE annual conferences. A Webinar is a seminar conducted over the Internet using a combination of conference calls and a website, or an online application for meetings. They are usually an hour long and begin with a presentation followed by a discussion between the presenters and attendees. We offer Webinars on a variety of subjects and at a variety of times to make them attractive and available to as many people as possible. All live webinars are free for both members and non-members. Check out our current webinars below, and register today!

Did you miss a webinar? Recordings are available for members! Check out the archived files here.

Interested in having access to previous webinars? While members and non-members are welcome to attend the live webinars, access to the recordings is a member-only benefit. Click here to view all our Membership Benefits, and Join ASPE Today!

Upcoming Webinars

2025 ASPE Human Simulation Research Forum

2025 ASPE Human Simulation Research Forum

When you think about your everyday practice working with simulated participants/patients (SPs), what are you most curious about?

We will explore this question together at the inaugural ASPE Human Simulation Research Forum led by the ASPE Grants & Research Committee members. Forum facilitators will encourage attendees to dialogue in community with other SP educators, simulation leaders, researchers, and professionals working with Human Simulation to:

  • Support ASPE members and others seeking to produce scholarship utilizing SP Methodology with practical, research methods skills;
  • Highlight current scholarly work of ASPE members;
  • Identify opportunities for future scholarship on SP methodology ;
  • Establish ASPE as the organizational leader of scholarship related to SP methodology and Human Simulation;
  • Extend the ASPE SOBP by providing additional professional development to members seeking further scholarship guidance; 
  • Develop an ASPE-driven research agenda; and 
  • Produce and disseminate related educational innovations and research.

No previous research experience is needed to participate—all are welcome!

Presented by:

Lou Clark, PhD, MFA
ASPE President, 2024-2025
Past ASPE Grants & Research Committee Chair
Executive Director, M Simulation
Associate Professor, Medicine
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN, USA

Karen Szauter, MD MACP FAMEE
Past ASPE Grants & Research Committee Chair
Assistant Dean, Educational Affairs
Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
Distinguished Teaching Professor
University of Texas Medical Branch

Kuan Xing, PhD
ASPE Grants & Research Committee Chair, 2024-2025
Associate Director of Educational Measurement Research and Development
Office of Consultation & Research in Medical Education
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine
Carver College of Medicine
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA, USA 

DATE:     Friday, March 28, 2025
TIME:      11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET


ASPE Book Café 

Big Magic, Creative Living Beyond Fear

This Book Café is an open space for ASPE members and non-members to unite for camaraderie and the love of books. Our aim is simple: promote lifelong learning, build relationships, and have fun!

April’s offering is Big Magic, Creative Living Beyond Fear. A short, but mighty book, Big Magic is inspiring, provocative, and hilarious in equal measure. Join us to explore what ignites our creativity and what fans the flame. What forces (both internal and external) seek to extinguish it and what can we do individually and together to keep our creativity ablaze!

Pro tip: For a real treat, check out the audiobook edition read by the author.

Note: NO prerequisites - Open to ASPE members and non-members - so please bring a friend/colleague. You do NOT need to read the book ahead of time. Your presence and insights are welcome no matter what, so please join us.

DATE:     Thursday, April 24, 2025
TIME:      1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET


Previous Webinars

Improv for SPs


Downloadable Resources:

Improve Exercises
Webinar PPT


Voices of the SP

The Social Construction of Race and its Impact on Medicine and Biomedical Research

Literature Reference



EMS Data Sheet

Final Telecommunication Webinar PPT

Online OSCE SP Performance Briefing

Webinar Outline Handout

Post Webinar Handout 1

Post Webinar Handout 2

Summative PE Options without an SP

Telecommunication Software Comparison

Q & A

Videoconference Meeting Best Practice 

Videoconference Tools Comparison

BlueJeans Penn Medicine - Video Meeting Best Practices - Do's and Dont's