
Webinars are a great way to breathe new life and professional development into those months between ASPE annual conferences. A Webinar is a seminar conducted over the Internet using a combination of conference calls and a website, or an online application for meetings. They are usually an hour long and begin with a presentation followed by a discussion between the presenters and attendees. We offer Webinars on a variety of subjects and at a variety of times to make them attractive and available to as many people as possible. All live webinars are free for both members and non-members. Check out our current webinars below, and register today!

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Upcoming Webinars

ASPE Listening Session: SP Microaggressions Towards Each Other

A listening session is a safer space for participants to share thoughts and feelings on difficult, often emotional, topics. Its purpose is to foster a sense of community and connection. It is not intended to explore resolutions.

We invite you to share and listen to challenges and victories regarding this month’s topic.

Presented by:

Melanie MacLeod, Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Melanie MacLeod is a Simulated Patient Educator with the Centre for Collaborative Clinical Learning and Research at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  She has studied different areas of health and wellness including nutrition, kinesiology, and mental health & addictions.  She is also a Registered Massage Therapist and volunteers with Hospice Halifax.  Melanie enjoys working with diverse groups of SPs and strives to be inclusive in recruitment and training practices.

Jacquie Thillaye, Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia 
Jacquie Thillaye is a Simulated Patient Educator with the Centre for Collaborative Clinical Learning and Research, Dalhousie University, in Halifax Nova Scotia. Thillaye has been working in simulation for 20 years, 15 of which have been as a SPE. She draws on her performance, writing, management, and community development background in her SPE work. Thillaye has been a member of the EDIASJ committee for three years and is the current chair of the Integration & Advisory working group.

DATE:        Wednesday, January 22, 2025
TIME:         3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET


Previous Webinars

Improv for SPs


Downloadable Resources:

Improve Exercises
Webinar PPT


Voices of the SP

The Social Construction of Race and its Impact on Medicine and Biomedical Research

Literature Reference



EMS Data Sheet

Final Telecommunication Webinar PPT

Online OSCE SP Performance Briefing

Webinar Outline Handout

Post Webinar Handout 1

Post Webinar Handout 2

Summative PE Options without an SP

Telecommunication Software Comparison

Q & A

Videoconference Meeting Best Practice 

Videoconference Tools Comparison

BlueJeans Penn Medicine - Video Meeting Best Practices - Do's and Dont's